Source code for mario.traversals

from __future__ import annotations
from __future__ import generator_stop

import itertools
import types
import typing as t
from typing import AsyncIterable
from typing import AsyncIterator
from typing import Awaitable
from typing import Callable
from typing import Iterable

import async_generator
import trio

T = t.TypeVar("T")
U = t.TypeVar("U")


BUFSIZE = 2 ** 14
counter = itertools.count()
_RECEIVE_SIZE = 4096  # pretty arbitrary

[docs]async def aenumerate(items, start=0): i = start async for x in items: yield i, x i += 1
[docs]class AsyncIterableWrapper: def __init__(self, iterable): self.iterable = iter(iterable) def __aiter__(self): return self async def __anext__(self): try: return next(self.iterable) except StopIteration: raise StopAsyncIteration
[docs]@async_generator.asynccontextmanager async def async_map( function: Callable[[T], Awaitable[U]], iterable: AsyncIterable[T], max_concurrent ) -> AsyncIterator[AsyncIterable[U]]: # pylint: disable=unsubscriptable-object send_result, receive_result = trio.open_memory_channel[U](0) limiter = trio.CapacityLimiter(max_concurrent) async def wrapper(prev_done: trio.Event, self_done: trio.Event, item: T) -> None: # pylint: disable=not-async-context-manager async with limiter: result = await function(item) await prev_done.wait() await send_result.send(result) self_done.set() async def consume_input(nursery) -> None: prev_done = trio.Event() prev_done.set() async for item in iterable: self_done = trio.Event() nursery.start_soon(wrapper, prev_done, self_done, item) prev_done = self_done await prev_done.wait() await send_result.aclose() async with trio.open_nursery() as nursery: nursery.start_soon(consume_input, nursery) yield receive_result nursery.cancel_scope.cancel()
[docs]@async_generator.asynccontextmanager async def sync_map( function: Callable[[T], Awaitable[U]], iterable: AsyncIterable[T], max_concurrent, # pylint: disable=unused-argument ) -> AsyncIterator[AsyncIterable[U]]: yield (await function(item) async for item in iterable)
[docs]@async_generator.asynccontextmanager async def sync_chain(iterable: AsyncIterable[Iterable], **_kwargs): yield (item async for subiterable in iterable for item in subiterable)
[docs]@async_generator.asynccontextmanager async def sync_filter( function: Callable, iterable: AsyncIterable, max_concurrent, # pylint: disable=unused-argument ) -> AsyncIterator[AsyncIterable[U]]: yield (item async for item in iterable if await function(item))
[docs]@async_generator.asynccontextmanager async def async_map_unordered( function: Callable[[T], Awaitable[U]], iterable: AsyncIterable[T], max_concurrent ) -> AsyncIterator[AsyncIterable[U]]: # pylint: disable=unsubscriptable-object send_result, receive_result = trio.open_memory_channel[U](0) limiter = trio.CapacityLimiter(max_concurrent) remaining_tasks: t.Set[int] = set() async def wrapper(task_id: int, item: T) -> None: # pylint: disable=not-async-context-manager async with limiter: result = await function(item) await send_result.send(result) remaining_tasks.remove(task_id) async def consume_input(nursery) -> None: async for task_id, item in aenumerate(iterable): remaining_tasks.add(task_id) nursery.start_soon(wrapper, task_id, item) while remaining_tasks: await trio.sleep(0) await send_result.aclose() async with trio.open_nursery() as nursery: nursery.start_soon(consume_input, nursery) yield receive_result nursery.cancel_scope.cancel()
[docs]@async_generator.asynccontextmanager async def async_filter( function: Callable[[T], Awaitable[T]], iterable: AsyncIterable[T], max_concurrent ) -> AsyncIterator[AsyncIterable[T]]: # pylint: disable=unsubscriptable-object send_result, receive_result = trio.open_memory_channel[T](0) limiter = trio.CapacityLimiter(max_concurrent) async def wrapper(prev_done: trio.Event, self_done: trio.Event, item: T) -> None: # pylint: disable=not-async-context-manager async with limiter: result = await function(item) await prev_done.wait() if result: await send_result.send(item) self_done.set() async def consume_input(nursery) -> None: prev_done = trio.Event() prev_done.set() async for item in iterable: self_done = trio.Event() nursery.start_soon(wrapper, prev_done, self_done, item) prev_done = self_done await prev_done.wait() await send_result.aclose() async with trio.open_nursery() as nursery: nursery.start_soon(consume_input, nursery) yield receive_result nursery.cancel_scope.cancel()
SENTINEL = object()
[docs]@async_generator.asynccontextmanager async def async_reduce( function: Callable[[T, U], Awaitable[U]], iterable: AsyncIterable[T], max_concurrent, initializer=SENTINEL, ) -> AsyncIterator[AsyncIterable[U]]: # pylint: disable=unsubscriptable-object send_result, receive_result = trio.open_memory_channel[U](0) limiter = trio.CapacityLimiter(max_concurrent) collected_result = initializer async def wrapper(prev_done: trio.Event, self_done: trio.Event, item: T) -> None: nonlocal collected_result input_item = await wait_for(item) if collected_result is SENTINEL: # We are working on the first item, and initializer was not set. collected_result = input_item else: async with limiter: # pylint: disable=not-async-context-manager collected_result = await function(collected_result, input_item) await prev_done.wait() self_done.set() async def consume_input(nursery) -> None: prev_done = trio.Event() prev_done.set() async for item in iterable: self_done = trio.Event() nursery.start_soon(wrapper, prev_done, self_done, item) prev_done = self_done await prev_done.wait() await send_result.send(collected_result) await send_result.aclose() async with trio.open_nursery() as nursery: nursery.start_soon(consume_input, nursery) yield receive_result nursery.cancel_scope.cancel()
[docs]async def wait_for(x): if isinstance(x, types.CoroutineType): return await x return x