Source code for mario.sphinx_click

import itertools
import textwrap
import traceback

import click
from docutils import nodes
from docutils import statemachine
from docutils.parsers import rst
from docutils.parsers.rst import directives
from sphinx.util import logging

from mario import doc

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
CLICK_VERSION = tuple(int(x) for x in click.__version__.split("."))

def _indent(text, level=1):
    prefix = " " * (4 * level)

    def prefixed_lines():
        for line in text.splitlines(True):
            yield prefix + line if line.strip() else line

    return "".join(prefixed_lines())

def _get_usage(ctx):
    """Alternative, non-prefixed version of 'get_usage'."""
    formatter = ctx.make_formatter()
    pieces = ctx.command.collect_usage_pieces(ctx)
    formatter.write_usage(ctx.command_path, " ".join(pieces), prefix="")
    return formatter.getvalue().rstrip("\n")

def _get_help_record(opt):
    """Re-implementation of click.Opt.get_help_record.

    The variant of 'get_help_record' found in Click makes uses of slashes to
    separate multiple opts, and formats option arguments using upper case. This
    is not compatible with Sphinx's 'option' directive, which expects
    comma-separated opts and option arguments surrounded by angle brackets [1].


    def _write_opts(opts):
        rv, _ = click.formatting.join_options(opts)
        if not opt.is_flag and not opt.count:
            rv += " <{}>".format(
        return rv

    rv = [_write_opts(opt.opts)]
    if opt.secondary_opts:

    # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
    help = or ""
    extra = []
    if opt.default is not None and opt.show_default:
            "default: %s"
            % (
                ", ".join("%s" % d for d in opt.default)
                if isinstance(opt.default, (list, tuple))
                else opt.default,
    if opt.required:
    if extra:
        help = "%s[%s]" % (help and help + "  " or "", "; ".join(extra))
    if isinstance(opt.type, click.Choice):
        help = "%s\n\n:options: %s" % (
            help and help + "  " or "",

    return ", ".join(rv), help

def _format_description(ctx):
    """Format the description for a given `click.Command`.

    We parse this as reStructuredText, allowing users to embed rich
    information in their help messages if they so choose.
    help_string = or ctx.command.short_help
    if not help_string:

    help_string = textwrap.dedent(help_string)
    bar_enabled = False
    for line in statemachine.string2lines(
        help_string, tab_width=4, convert_whitespace=True
        if line == "\b":
            bar_enabled = True
        if line == "":
            bar_enabled = False
        line = "| " + line if bar_enabled else line
        yield line
    yield ""

def _format_usage(ctx):
    """Format the usage for a `click.Command`."""
    yield ".. code-block:: shell"
    yield ""
    for line in _get_usage(ctx).splitlines():
        yield _indent(line)
    yield ""

def _format_option(opt):
    """Format the output for a `click.Option`."""
    opt = _get_help_record(opt)

    yield ".. option:: {}".format(opt[0])
    if opt[1]:
        yield ""
        for line in statemachine.string2lines(
            opt[1], tab_width=4, convert_whitespace=True
            yield _indent(line)

def _format_options(ctx):
    """Format all `click.Option` for a `click.Command`."""
    # the hidden attribute is part of click 7.x only hence use of getattr
    params = [
        for x in ctx.command.params
        if isinstance(x, click.Option) and not getattr(x, "hidden", False)

    for param in params:
        for line in _format_option(param):
            yield line
        yield ""

def _format_argument(arg):
    """Format the output of a `click.Argument`."""
    yield ".. option:: {}".format(arg.human_readable_name)
    yield ""
    yield _indent(
        "{} argument{}".format(
            "Required" if arg.required else "Optional", "(s)" if arg.nargs != 1 else ""

def _format_arguments(ctx):
    """Format all `click.Argument` for a `click.Command`."""
    params = [x for x in ctx.command.params if isinstance(x, click.Argument)]

    for param in params:
        for line in _format_argument(param):
            yield line
        yield ""

def _format_envvar(param):
    """Format the envvars of a `click.Option` or `click.Argument`."""
    yield ".. envvar:: {}".format(param.envvar)
    yield "   :noindex:"
    yield ""
    if isinstance(param, click.Argument):
        param_ref = param.human_readable_name
        # if a user has defined an opt with multiple "aliases", always use the
        # first. For example, if '--foo' or '-f' are possible, use '--foo'.
        param_ref = param.opts[0]

    yield _indent("Provide a default for :option:`{}`".format(param_ref))

def _format_envvars(ctx):
    """Format all envvars for a `click.Command`."""
    params = [x for x in ctx.command.params if getattr(x, "envvar")]

    for param in params:
        yield ".. _{command_name}-{param_name}-{envvar}:".format(
            command_name=ctx.command_path.replace(" ", "-"),
        yield ""
        for line in _format_envvar(param):
            yield line
        yield ""

def _format_subcommand(command):
    """Format a sub-command of a `click.Command` or `click.Group`."""

    yield ".. object:: {}".format(

    # click 7.0 stopped setting short_help by default
    if CLICK_VERSION < (7, 0):
        short_help = command.short_help
        short_help = command.get_short_help_str()

    if short_help:
        yield ""
        for line in statemachine.string2lines(
            short_help, tab_width=4, convert_whitespace=True
            yield _indent(line)

def _get_lazyload_commands(multicommand):
    commands = {}
    for command in multicommand.list_commands(multicommand):
        commands[command] = multicommand.get_command(multicommand, command)

    return commands

def _filter_commands(ctx, commands=None):
    """Return list of used commands."""
    lookup = getattr(ctx.command, "commands", {})
    if not lookup and isinstance(ctx.command, click.MultiCommand):
        lookup = _get_lazyload_commands(ctx.command)

    if commands is None:
        return sorted(lookup.values(), key=lambda item:

    names = [name.strip() for name in commands.split(",")]
    return [lookup[name] for name in names if name in lookup]

# pylint: disable=too-many-branches
def _format_command(ctx, show_nested, commands=None):
    """Format the output of `click.Command`."""
    # the hidden attribute is part of click 7.x only hence use of getattr
    if getattr(ctx.command, "hidden", False):

    # description

    for line in _format_description(ctx):
        yield line

    yield ".. program:: {}".format(ctx.command_path)

    # usage

    for line in _format_usage(ctx):
        yield line

    # options

    lines = list(_format_options(ctx))
    if lines:
        # we use rubric to provide some separation without exploding the table
        # of contents
        yield ".. rubric:: Options"
        yield ""

    for line in lines:
        yield line

    # arguments

    lines = list(_format_arguments(ctx))
    if lines:
        yield ".. rubric:: Arguments"
        yield ""

    for line in lines:
        yield line

    # environment variables

    lines = list(_format_envvars(ctx))
    if lines:
        yield ".. rubric:: Environment variables"
        yield ""

    for line in lines:
        yield line

    # if we're nesting commands, we need to do this slightly differently
    if show_nested:

    commands = _filter_commands(ctx, commands)

    if commands:
        yield ".. rubric:: Commands"
        yield ""

    for command in commands:
        # Don't show hidden subcommands
        if CLICK_VERSION >= (7, 0):
            if command.hidden:

        for line in _format_subcommand(command):
            yield line
        yield ""

[docs]class ClickDirective(rst.Directive): has_content = False required_arguments = 1 option_spec = { "prog": directives.unchanged_required, "show-nested": directives.flag, "commands": directives.unchanged, } def _load_module(self, module_path): """Load the module.""" # __import__ will fail on unicode, # so we ensure module path is a string here. module_path = str(module_path) try: module_name, attr_name = module_path.split(":", 1) except ValueError: # noqa raise self.error( '"{}" is not of format "module:parser"'.format(module_path) ) try: mod = __import__(module_name, globals(), locals(), [attr_name]) except (Exception, SystemExit) as exc: # noqa err_msg = 'Failed to import "{}" from "{}". '.format(attr_name, module_name) if isinstance(exc, SystemExit): err_msg += "The module appeared to call sys.exit()" else: err_msg += "The following exception was raised:\n{}".format( traceback.format_exc() ) raise self.error(err_msg) if not hasattr(mod, attr_name): raise self.error( 'Module "{}" has no attribute "{}"'.format(module_name, attr_name) ) parser = getattr(mod, attr_name) if not isinstance(parser, click.BaseCommand): raise self.error( '"{}" of type "{}" is not derived from ' '"click.BaseCommand"'.format(type(parser), module_path) ) return parser def _make_subcommand_to_section(self, command): subcommand_to_section = {} for help_section in command.sections: for subcommand_name in help_section.entries: subcommand_to_section[subcommand_name] = help_section return subcommand_to_section def _get_section_spec(self, cmd): if cmd.section in doc.SECTION_NAME_TO_SECTION_SPEC: return doc.SECTION_NAME_TO_SECTION_SPEC[cmd.section] if cmd.section: return doc.HelpSectionSpec( priority=doc.DEFAULT_SECTION_PRIORITY, name=cmd.section ) return doc.NULL_SECTION def _sort_commands(self, command, subcommands): if not hasattr(command, "sections"): return subcommands return sorted(subcommands, key=self._get_section_spec) def _group_commands(self, command, subcommands): if not hasattr(command, "sections"): return subcommands return itertools.groupby(subcommands, key=self._get_section_spec) # pylint: disable=too-many-locals # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments def _generate_nodes( self, name, command, parent=None, show_nested=False, commands=None ): """Generate the relevant Sphinx nodes. Format a `click.Group` or `click.Command`. :param name: Name of command, as used on the command line :param command: Instance of `click.Group` or `click.Command` :param parent: Instance of `click.Context`, or None :param show_nested: Whether subcommands should be included in output :param commands: Display only listed commands or skip the section if empty :returns: A list of nested docutil nodes """ ctx = click.Context(command, info_name=name, parent=parent) if CLICK_VERSION >= (7, 0) and command.hidden: return [] # Title item = nodes.section( "", nodes.title(text=name), ids=[nodes.make_id(ctx.command_path)], names=[nodes.fully_normalize_name(ctx.command_path)], ) # Summary source_name = ctx.command_path result = statemachine.ViewList() lines = _format_command(ctx, show_nested, commands) for line in lines: LOG.debug(line) result.append(line, source_name) self.state.nested_parse(result, 0, item) # Subcommands if not show_nested: return [item] commands = _filter_commands(ctx, commands) commands = self._sort_commands(command, commands) for help_section, subcommands in self._group_commands(command, commands): group_name = if group_name == doc.UNSECTIONED: for subcommand in subcommands: item.extend( self._generate_nodes(, subcommand, ctx, show_nested ) ) self.state.nested_parse(result, 0, item) continue group_item = nodes.section( "", nodes.title(text=group_name), ids=[nodes.make_id(group_name)], names=[nodes.fully_normalize_name(group_name)], ) group_list = statemachine.ViewList() # pylint: disable=fixme # XXX This is supposed to add documentation lines to each group, but it doesn't seem to work. for line in help_section.doc.splitlines(): group_list.append(line, group_name) for subcommand in subcommands: group_item.extend( self._generate_nodes(, subcommand, ctx, show_nested) ) self.state.nested_parse(group_list, 0, group_item) item += group_item return [item]
[docs] def run(self): # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init self.env = self.state.document.settings.env command = self._load_module(self.arguments[0]) if "prog" not in self.options: raise self.error(":prog: must be specified") prog_name = self.options.get("prog") show_nested = "show-nested" in self.options commands = self.options.get("commands") return self._generate_nodes(prog_name, command, None, show_nested, commands)
[docs]def setup(app): app.add_directive("click", ClickDirective)