Source code for mario.declarative

import typing as t

import attr
import click
import marshmallow
import pyrsistent
from marshmallow import fields

from . import doc

TYPES = {t.__name__: t for t in [int, str, bool, float]}

[docs]class TypeField(marshmallow.fields.Field): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.default = kwargs.get("default", marshmallow.missing) super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name def _deserialize(self, value, attr, data, **kwargs): try: return TYPES[value] except KeyError: if self.default == marshmallow.missing: raise return self.default _jsonschema_type_mapping = doc.get_jsonschema_type_mapping("string")
[docs]class OptionNameField(marshmallow.fields.Field): # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name def _deserialize(self, value, attr, data, **kwargs): return [value] _jsonschema_type_mapping = doc.get_jsonschema_type_mapping("string")
[docs]class ArgumentNameField(marshmallow.fields.Field): # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name def _deserialize(self, value, attr, data, **kwargs): return [value] _jsonschema_type_mapping = doc.get_jsonschema_type_mapping("string")
[docs]class AnyField(marshmallow.fields.Field): _jsonschema_type_mapping = doc.get_jsonschema_type_mapping("string")
[docs]class OptionSchema(marshmallow.Schema): """A command line named option for a new command.""" param_decls = OptionNameField( data_key="name", metadata={"description": "Name of the option. Usually prefixed with - or --."}, ) type = TypeField( metadata={"description": f'Name of the type. {", ".join(TYPES)} accepted.'} ) is_flag = fields.Boolean( default=False, metadata={"description": "Whether the option is a boolean flag."} ) help = fields.String( default=None, metadata={"description": "Documentation for the option."} ) hidden = fields.Boolean( default=False, metadata={"description": "Whether the option is hidden from help."}, ) required = fields.Boolean( default=False, metadata={"description": "Whether the option is required."} ) nargs = fields.Integer( metadata={"description": "Number of instances expected. Pass -1 for variadic."} ) multiple = fields.Boolean( metadata={"description": "Whether multiple values can be passed."} ) default = AnyField(default=None, metadata={"description": "Default value."}) choices = fields.List( fields.String(), metadata={"description": "List of allowed string values."}, default=None, )
[docs] @marshmallow.post_load() def make_option(self, validated, partial, many): # pylint: disable=unused-argument choices = validated.pop("choices", None) if choices: validated["type"] = click.Choice(choices) return click.Option(**validated)
[docs]class ArgumentSchema(marshmallow.Schema): """A command-line positional argument for a new command.""" param_decls = ArgumentNameField( data_key="name", metadata={"description": "Name of the argument."} ) type = TypeField( default=str, metadata={"description": f'Name of the type. {", ".join(TYPES)} accepted.'}, ) required = fields.Boolean( default=True, metadata={"description": "Whether the argument is required."} ) nargs = fields.Integer( default=None, metadata={"description": "Number of instances expected. Pass -1 for variadic."}, ) choices = fields.List( fields.String(), metadata={"description": "List of allowed string values."}, default=None, )
[docs] @marshmallow.post_load() def make_argument( self, validated, partial, many ): # pylint: disable=unused-argument choices = validated.pop("choices", None) if choices: validated["type"] = click.Choice(choices) return click.Argument(**validated)
[docs]@attr.dataclass(frozen=True) class RemapParam: new: str old: str
[docs]class RemapParamSchema(marshmallow.Schema): """Translation between the name of a base command's parameter and the name of the new command's parameter.""" new = fields.String(metadata={"description": "New name of the parameter."}) old = fields.String(metadata={"description": "Old name of the parameter."})
[docs] @marshmallow.post_load() def make_remap(self, validated, partial, many): # pylint: disable=unused-argument return RemapParam(**validated)
[docs]@attr.dataclass(frozen=True) class CommandStage: command: str remap_params: t.List[RemapParam] = attr.ib(converter=pyrsistent.freeze) params: t.Dict[str, str] = attr.ib(converter=pyrsistent.freeze)
[docs]class CommandStageSchema(marshmallow.Schema): """A single stage of a new command pipeline.""" command = fields.String(metadata={"description": "Name of the base command"}) remap_params = fields.List( fields.Nested(RemapParamSchema), missing=list, metadata={ "description": "Provide new names for the parameters, different from the base command parameters' names" }, ) params = fields.Dict( missing=dict, metadata={ "description": "Mapping from new command param name (str) to value (any json type)." }, )
[docs] @marshmallow.post_load() def make(self, validated, partial, many): # pylint: disable=unused-argument return CommandStage(**validated)
[docs]@attr.dataclass(frozen=True) class CommandTest: invocation: t.List[str] = attr.ib(converter=pyrsistent.freeze) input: str output: str
[docs]class CommandTestSchema(marshmallow.Schema): """A test of a new command.""" invocation = fields.List( fields.String(), metadata={ "description": "Command line arguments to mario. (Don't include `mario`.)" }, ) input = fields.String( metadata={"description": "String passed on stdin to the program."} ) output = fields.String( metadata={"description": "Expected string output from the program."} )
[docs] @marshmallow.post_load() def make(self, validated, partial, many): # pylint: disable=unused-argument return CommandTest(**validated)
[docs]@attr.dataclass(frozen=True) class CommandSpec: name: str short_help: t.Optional[str] help: t.Optional[str] arguments: t.List[click.Argument] = attr.ib(converter=pyrsistent.freeze) options: t.List[click.Option] = attr.ib(converter=pyrsistent.freeze) stages: t.List[CommandStage] = attr.ib(converter=pyrsistent.freeze) inject_values: t.List[str] = attr.ib(converter=pyrsistent.freeze) tests: t.List[CommandTest] = attr.ib(converter=pyrsistent.freeze) section: str hidden: bool
[docs]class CommandSpecSchema(marshmallow.Schema): """A new command.""" name = fields.String(metadata={"description": "Name of the new command."}) help = fields.String( default=None, missing=None, metadata={ "description": "Long-form documentation of the command. Will be interpreted as ReStructuredText markup." }, ) short_help = fields.String( default=None, missing=None, metadata={"description": "Single-line CLI description."}, ) arguments = fields.List( fields.Nested(ArgumentSchema), missing=list, metadata={"description": "Arguments accepted by the new command."}, ) options = fields.List( fields.Nested(OptionSchema), missing=list, metadata={"description": "Options accepted by the new command."}, ) stages = fields.List( fields.Nested(CommandStageSchema), metadata={ "description": "List of pipeline command stages that input will go through." }, ) inject_values = fields.List( fields.String(), missing=list, metadata={ "description": ( "CLI parameters to be injected into the local namespace, accessible by the executing commands." ) }, ) tests = fields.List( fields.Nested(CommandTestSchema), missing=list, data_key="tests", metadata={"description": "List of specifications to test the new command."}, ) section = fields.String( missing=None, metadata={ "description": "Name of the documentation section in which the new command should appear." }, ) hidden = fields.Boolean( missing=False, metadata={"description": "Hide this command on the help page."} )
[docs] @marshmallow.post_load() def make(self, validated, partial, many): # pylint: disable=unused-argument return CommandSpec(**validated)